My Domotica project using X10, IPAD, Iphone, HEYU and PHP

My Domotica project using X10, IPAD, Iphone, HEYU and PHP

I started my domotica project a couple of month ago. I wanted to be able to control all my home equipment using my iphone or my ipad. First of all I had to select a domotica standard to use like Z-wave and X10. I selected the X10 standard because this is one of the oldest standards and there is a lot of X10 compatible stuff to buy out there. Marmitek is market leader when it comes to X10 devices. The X10 protocol is used for the signals over the existing powerlines in a home. A X10 devices has a unique house en device code like for example A02 and B03. I wanted a couple of DIN X10 devices in my meter cupboard to control the lights in the garden. This resulted in a expansion of my meter cupboard because I also needed 3 phase coupler modules to send all the X10 signals from one phase to the other.

To send the signals from a computer, a interface controller is needed. I bought a CM15Pro from Marmitek to send the signals. This device is compatible with the program X10 Commander. Now I’m able to send X10 signals using my iphone with the X10 commander app. To have a os independant control I still have to build a webbased program. Ofcourse it has to run on linux. It turns out that the Cm15Pro has very bad linux support, so I also bought the older Cm11 controller from Marmitek.This controller is connected to a PC using the serial port. It'[s ald technology but it works. Linux support for the CM11 is superb with the HEYU tool. Damn, this is some great tool. I build a php/mysql program wich is alble to send shellcommand usign HEYU. Voila.. It’s still in a developing satate, but when it’s finisched I will published it on this site…. have fun!


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