Configure PureVPN on your Sophos UTM

To step:
1. Download a purevpn .ovpn file.
2. This file must be converted to .apc format which is possible with the script: ovpn-to-apc.sh  (Github https://github.com/vchrizz/ovpn-to-apc)

./ovpn-to-apc.sh purevpnsite.ovpn purevpnsite.apc purevpn_user purevpn_pass

This script creates the .apc file and a key file. On the UTM the key file must be copied to / var / chroot-openvpn / etc /

3. edit / var / sec / chroot-openvpn / etc / openvpn / client / config-default

change line 9:

tls-remote "[]"


tls-auth "[]"

4. Upload the purevpnsite.apc config file in the UTM below

Site-to-Site VPN -> SSL -> New SSL Connection

Connection type: Client
Upload the purevpnsite.apc file.
Select Automatic firewall rules: The default route is set on the tunnel.

Enable the VPN. If this goes well an interface tun0 has been added which is visible in the shell with ifconfig -a. The ip address of the tun0 interface is also visible and is needed for the SNAT rules.

5. Create a SNAT rule and SNAT the clients to the ip of the tun0 interface